5 Tips to Reduce Your Body Fat - Feel Better and Look Better

Reduce Your Body Fat

Everyone wants to look as stylish and slim as possible, and you surely are no exception. However, many people make plenty of mistakes when it comes to losing weight, using poorly designed diets, obviating the sports and weight training and aerobics, or simply eating more than recommended or eating high-calorie foods. We present below 5 priceless tips for you to consider when starting a program to reduce body weight.

1 – Adopt a Diet that Fits You

Diet plays the major role in weight loss and the kind of diet that you must use for yourself is a low-calorie diet, in which the number of calories you eat must be fewer than the number of calories you burn, and it is here in which exercise helps. If you eat a diet high in protein, moderate in carbohydrates and low in fat, and add regular exercise, consumption of energy your body makes exceeds the number of calories you eat, which will go down in weight. It is easy to say, but maybe not so much to accomplish. A low-calorie diet accompanied by exercise requires patience and constancy; you will not see magical results in a couple of weeks. It is healthy to go down, according to your physique, one to two pounds per week.

2 – You Go to a Nutritionist!

Sometimes you have doubts about the nutritional information contained in food packaging, convenience of eating some and not others, the benefits of certain types of meat or fish over others. The best thing to do is to consult a nutritionist for help to plan your diet. A nutritionist not only has the knowledge and experience necessary but can also save you from any disappointments which you may incur if you simply design your diet according to your intuition, or worse, to fashion. The advice of a health professional should always be welcome.

3 – Perform Aerobics

Aerobic exercises are ideal for controlling your weight and reduce your body fat index if necessary. You must make sure that aerobic exercise is performed after weight training spends the glycogen stored in your liver as fuel for barbells and dumbbells and reserve fat to give you energy in aerobics. Remember band in aerobic exercising to consume as many lipids, implying resistance priority over speed. Moderately fast three times a week aerobics are the ideal complement to a good calorie diet.

4 – Stay Away from Alcohol

One cannot tire of repeating this point; if you are making a great effort to lose weight, you must not only reduce or eliminate foods containing high doses of fat and sugar but also alcohol, whose caloric content is always very high. A beer glass, for example, contains almost two hundred calories. Each gram of alcohol provides seven calories, which is very close to the value of fat, which has nine calories per gram. In comparison, one gram of protein contains only four calories. If you are dieting, do not consume alcohol even in social gatherings when being on a diet; you cannot drink alcohol instead there will be a bottle of diet juice or mineral water so go for those liquids.

5 – Exercises with Weights

The caloric expenditure you make through weight training is high about 800 calories in an intense session. If you add the aerobic to this, you burn 1000 calories very easily. If you just perform aerobic work, you will face two problems; the first is that your body will use your glycogen stored to perform aerobics, and once depleted the glycogen, lay hold to fat. As a result, you will burn less fat. Secondly, weight training shapes and tones your body while burning calories, so you benefit twice. It combines diet, weight training, and aerobics for a few months to have a surprising result.

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