Can You Achieve “True Health” Without Chiropractic Care?

Neighborhood Chiropractic
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With heart disease and cancer topping the charts for causes of death, many consumers are trying to find a way to not be one of the dreaded statistics and many are becoming more health conscious.  Without one’s health, the future could be awfully bleak for that individual, not to mention the possibility of a shortened lifespan and missed memories.


What is “True Health”?  There is no absolute definition. The consumers trying to live a healthy lifestyle by exercising, eating balanced meals, watching their weight, abstaining from drinking and smoking have the false sense of security that this is all that is needed to live a long healthy disease free life. Are these healthy habits enough to achieve their goal? In my opinion, this is a resounding NO!


Let me elaborate. Our brain controls all of our functions and receives and sends messages to the nerves. We have 31 pairs of spinal nerves that branch off to various organs in the body. These nerves keep your body functioning and without the nerves feeding the organs, death would be imminent without the nerve innervation. For example, your T6 nerve is compromised by 10 percent. Would you notice anything different in your stomach? Since, this change is not very significant, there would not be any noticeable change in function of the stomach. What if the same nerve was compromised at 50 percent? Yes, you would probably suffer from belching, heartburn and possibly stomach pain. Furthermore, a 70 percent compromised nerve would probably end up with bleeding of the stomach and if the nerve is compromised at 90 percent, then we are going to be dealing with cellular death. Where does a consumer end up with a nerve that is 50 percent compromised?

Yep, you guessed it. They end up in the doctor’s office, put through a battery of tests then of course, medicine is prescribed to alleviate the symptoms. But what caused the condition in the first place?  More than likely, the consumer was undoubtedly told it was their diet or perhaps something that just sometimes happens and unfortunately most consumers actually believe the doctors without question.   The above scenario is quite common with most conditions and medical visits.


Here is an alternative scenario. What if the stomach was never in a compromised position to begin with? What if the nerves feeding the stomach had not been pinched in the first place and the stomach had been functioning at 100 percent? Is it plausible to assume that this stomach condition would have never occurred in the first place? Of course it is! Isn’t pain a result of a pinched nerve in the lower back? The resultant pain sends the consumer to the chiropractor or the medical office for treatment. If the patient went to the chiropractor, then the patient will get better without surgery or medicine.  Why does the pain go away with the chiropractor? Is it because of the physical therapy, massages, x-rays or other adjunctive treatment that was performed? No, the pain went away because the chiropractor adjusted the subluxation and relieved the pressure on the nerve. If this patient had been under wellness care with the chiropractor in the first place, then neither the stomach condition nor the lower back pain would have occurred in the first place unless there had been a trauma.


“I do not believe in chiropractic care” This is a statement I heard countless times.  Well, I do not need you to believe in it. This is not a religion.  What if you fell from a 20 story building and said you did not believe in gravity? Would you still hit the pavement? Would you stop in midair for your belief? If there is a subluxation in your body, then the nerve is compromised along with your health and Chiropractors are the ONLY one trained to correct the subluxations.  Is your health something you want to gamble with?


Stress is the number one cause of subluxations and it is abundant in everyday life. How do you know if you are subluxated and your health is at risk? A person really cannot feel a subluxation when it firsts occurs and doesn’t manifests itself until symptoms appear and the damage has already been done. All the healthy interventions like diet and lifestyle are not going to help with compromised nerve innervation to the body and therefore, in my opinion; “True Health” cannot be achieved without regular adjustments by your chiropractor.

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