Give Your Body a Boost with Organic Tea

organic tea

Organic tea is the healthiest beverage on the planet.It is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body.This includes improved brain function, fat loss, a lower risk of cancer and many other incredible benefits. Before moving ahead, let’s see what organic tea actually is. If you head to your local store and you will probably see all sorts of products that claim to be organic - in basic terms, they are prepared using only natural resources and ingredients. Organic tea is no different, it is wholly natural and has nothing artificial added to it.Organic tea is especially rich in polyphenols, which are antioxidants that help protect the body against free radicals. Here is a list of a few benefits of Organic Tea:

  • Contains Various Bioactive Compounds That Can Improve Health

Green tea is more than just green liquid.Many of the bioactive compounds in the tea leaves do make it into the final drink, which contains large amounts of important nutrients.It is loaded with polyphenols like flavonoids and catechins, which function as powerful antioxidants.One of the more powerful compounds in green tea is the antioxidant Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), which has been studied to treat various diseases and may be one of the main reasons green tea has such powerful medicinal properties. Improve Brain Function and Makes You Smarter. A Cup of Organic Tea does more than just keep you awake, it can also make you smarter.The key active ingredient is caffeine, which is a known stimulant.It doesn’t contain as much as coffee, but enough to produce a response without causing the “jittery” effects associated with too much caffeine.What caffeine does in the brain is to block an inhibitory neurotransmitter called Adenosine. This way, it actually increases the firing of neurons and the concentration of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine.

  • Increases Fat Burning and Improves Physical Performance

Organic tea has been shown to increase fat burning and boost the metabolic rate, in human controlled trials. Studies conducted at various institutes can be seen an evidence regarding this.

  • Lower Your Risk of Various Types of Cancer

Cancer is caused by uncontrolled growth of cells. It is one of the world’s leading causes of death. Organic tea is an excellent source of powerful antioxidants, so it makes perfect sense that it could reduce your risk of cancer.

  • Kills Bacteria

Organic tea can kill bacteria which Improves Dental Health and Lowers Your Risk of Infection. The catechins in green tea may inhibit the growth of bacteria and some viruses. This can lower the risk of infections and lead to improvements in dental health, a lower risk of caries and reduced bad breath.

  • Lower Your Risk of Type II Diabetes

Type II diabetes is a disease that has reached epidemic proportions in the past few decades and now afflicts about 300 million people worldwide.Studies show that green tea can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels.

  • Reduces Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular diseases, including heart disease and stroke, are the biggest causes of death in the world. Studies show that Organic tea can improve some of the main risk factors for these diseases.Green tea also dramatically increases the antioxidant capability of the blood

  • Helps You Lose Weight and Lower Your Risk of Becoming Obese

Given that Organic tea can boost the metabolic rate in the short term, it makes sense that it could help you lose weight.Several studies show that green tea leads to decreases in body fat, especially in the abdominal area.

  • Decreases Risk of Dying and Help You Live Longer

Organic tea drinkers are at a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, it makes sense that it could help you live longer.

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