Tech Support Tips to Repair Error Code 0x80070057

The error code 0x80070057 is typical with Windows 7 devices. Many Windows 7 users have reported that while trying to install this operating system or running its updates, they come across this error. The complete error message is: “Error Code 0x80070057: The parameter is wrong.” If you are also struggling with this error while attempting to install Windows 7, then in this article you can learn some useful technical support tips to fix the error.

Error Causes

The error typically occurs while you attempt installing Windows 7 or trying to build a full backup of your Windows 7 OS.

  1. Crowded Registry

If encounter this error, then you need to realize that there could be some problem with your system’s registry values. Most likely, there are extensive registry values, and this over pilling has resulted in this error. To avert the occurrence of this error, you immediately need to create a bigger virtual memory space to accommodate the huge registry values.

  1. Motherboard Incompatibility with Installed Drivers

The error can also crop up as a result of incompatibility between some drivers and the motherboard. Thus, to avert the error, you also need to check whether your PC’s motherboard is compatible with the installed drivers. If you can’t do this effectively, then it will be a good idea to seek help from a professional computer support engineer.

  1. A Close Connection with RAID Installations

While attempting RAID installations, you might receive this error. In that case, turn off the RAID setup and check if it resolves the error.

How to Fix Error Code?

If you want to avail professional online tech support engineer’s help, then do research and find out a good and reputed computer support firm. To fix this Windows error, there is an automatic repair utility available. Usually, professional tech support engineers use this tool to fix the issue without hampering other performances of your PC. Using such a utility to an extent ensures a more precise and quick troubleshooting of this error.

Technical Support Manual Repair for the Error Code

However, if you wish to self-perform manual repairing of this error, then you can try that as well because 0x80070057 error Code is repairable in that way also. You can try out the following computer support troubleshooting tips to get the error fixed.

Technical Support Tip1: Increase Virtual Memory

As mentioned above, the most common cause of this error is the crowing of registry values. Thus, raising the virtual memory is the most common solution to this error. To increase the virtual memory on your Windows 7 PC, you don’t need to be technically advanced. Just perform the following steps and it will bring the change into effect and will fix the error.

  • Click the ‘Start’ button.
  • Go to the ‘Control Panel.'
  • Click on ‘System Security.'
  • And then proceed to ‘System.'
  • Now, click on the ‘Advanced System Settings.'
  • Then, proceed to ‘Advanced Level’ tab.
  • Then, go to the ‘Virtual Memory.'
  • Now, click on ‘Change.'
  • Then, change the virtual memory value.
  • For instance, you can change from 2000MB to 6000MB.
  • Click on ‘Set,’ and then on ‘Ok.’

With these steps, you are done with raising the virtual space on your PC. It should successfully accommodate the huge registry values, and thus the error should get fixed. However, to bring the modifications into effect, you need to reboot your system.

Technical Support Tip2: Use a Registry Cleaner

Apart from raising the virtual space, you should also use a registry cleaner. You need to download and install a good registry cleaner on your PC and run the tool. It will scan your system completely and will erase the unwanted and invalid registry values. In this way also, you can create space.


The error code 0x80070057 is a repairable error. Thus, you don’t need to panic if you see the error. The two technical support troubleshooting tips are effective in the manual repair of the error if the error has occurred because of huge registry values. But if the problem still prevails, then you can seek professional tech support. The support engineer will fix the error by repairing the other possible issues such as motherboard incompatibility, RAID installations issues, etc.

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